If you just want to run a file `foo.R' of R commands, the recommended way is to use R CMD BATCH foo.R. If you want to run this in the background or as a batch job use OS-specific facilities to do so: for example in most shells on Unix-alike OSes R CMD BATCH foo.R & runs a background job.
You can pass parameters to scripts via additional arguments on the command line: for example
R CMD BATCH --args arg1 arg2 foo.R &
PS: It seems this command does not work.
will pass arguments to a script which can be retrieved as a character vector by
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
This is made simpler by the alternative front-end Rscript, which can be invoked by
Rscript foo.R arg1 arg2
and this can also be used to write executable script files like (at least on Unix-alikes, and in some Windows shells)
#! /path/to/Rscript args <- commandArgs(TRUE) ... q(status=<exit status code>)
If this is entered into a text file `runfoo' and this is made executable (by chmod 755 runfoo), it can be invoked for different arguments by
runfoo arg1 arg2
Example: test_arguments.R
args <- commandArgs(TRUE) write.table(args[1],file="test.out") q(save="no")
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